OPRA requests are OPRA-able, but Court okays redactions

An Appellate Court has okayed redaction of requestor info other than name — that is, address, email, and phone — from 54 OPRA requests provided in response to a “request for OPRA requests.” The Appellate Court upheld the trial court ruling. NJFOG officer Walter Luers points out, “…[W]e can easily imagine facts and circumstances where individuals may want to connect with each other on issues of common concern. The Appellate Division’s decision, like the Trial Court’s decision, will make it harder for people to make those connections.”


Somerset County wins OPRA lawsuit
by Mike Deak
March 30, 2017



Other articles/posts:

Open Government Notes
Appellate Court: County correctly redacted home addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers from OPRA requests.
by John Paff
March 30, 2017